A New Diagnosis For Me…..Just For the Fun of It

I just took the online test on CNN.com to see if I was ADHD ((now quit chuckling ….this is serious business *rolling his eyes*))……here are my results!!!!!


Adult ADHD HealthCoach

Your assessment is complete! We are calculating your results.

Your personalized report and action plan will be ready in just a moment.

Your Personalized Action Plan

This content is selected and controlled by the HealthGrades editorial staff.

Your ADHD Risk

Your answers indicate a MODERATE likelihood that you have ADHD. Given that level of ADHD risk, and the degree of impact you attribute to those symptoms, you should consider talking with a doctor for further evaluation . Your doctor will likely ask you about events in your life, medications you’re taking, and about possible drug or alcohol use. Your Personal Action Plan is below.

Your Next Steps

  1. Review Your Personalized Report NowWe’ve interpreted your responses and prepared a customized report just for you. See the personalized recommendations on what you should discuss with your doctor and how to prepare for your visit.
  2. Talk to Your Doctor about Treatment OptionsYour results suggest that you may have adult ADHD. Talk with your doctor about your symptoms. A variety of treatment options are available to help you live well with ADHD. Your doctor can work with you to find the right treatment. Managing these symptoms can improve your quality of life and lower the stress that ADHD may be causing. Your customized doctor’s report can help you start a conversation with your doctor.
  3. Managing Your FinancesOvercome the impulsivity of ADHD to help control your finances. Follow these simple tips to curb impulsive spending and save money.
  4. Helpful Tips and TechniquesMany techniques can help you cope with ADHD symptoms. For example, routines and reminders help with forgetfulness. Read 4 Tips to Staying Organized with ADHD.
  5. Support is the Key to Coping with ADHDAdult ADHD causes many challenges-and also affects spouses, significant others, and family members. Talking with others who have ADHD can help you work out your feelings and get coping tips. Check out these resources.

Ten Questions to Ask

Your Doctor › Print Doctor’s


 ~~~~~Isn’t this the wildest thing ever????…..all these years I thought I was fairly normal, and now in my old age I find out I am ADHD……..My whole world is crashing down around me (((NOT)))….I am gonna have a FIELD DAY WITH THIS FROM NOW ON YOU WILL NEVER HEAR THE END OF THIS…..HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

~~~~~tHEY WOULDN’T PUT ME ON rITALIN, i WONDER WHICH DRUG OF CHOICE I COULD GET…..BUT THEN THERE ARE SO MANY DESIGNER DRUGS OUT THERE MAYBE THEY WILL CREATE ONE JUST FOR ME…..OH WELL THE POSSIBILITIES ARE ENDLESS……………Anyway I felt you folks should know what has befallen me……buwahahahahahahahah..buwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

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